Monday, March 12, 2012

Basement ready for a makeover

Here's the basement storage room. Lots of the stuff is gone. Lots was sold, bags and bags donated, and everything else is in the big yellow cube or the garage. I think having a team like on HGTV would have been nice, but I had complete control by taking it on all by myself. Bwaa ha ha!!

This will become the music room. The furnace will be downsized to gas, drywall is coming, and the asbestos tape around the ductwork is going. Don't know what the heck we'll do about the floors. Gotta do something to cover all that lead-based paint. I wanted heated floors, but our house is pre-code, so the concrete floor is not insulated, and the heat would go down as much as up. What to do? What to do?